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Trailhead GPS: Coordinates N41.9296 W74.5070
Getting There: Drive to the Sullivan County hamlet of Grahamsville, NY. Turn north onto Rt. 55A in near the Rondout Reservoir. After about 2.25 miles, look for Sugarloaf Rd. on your left. Turn left on Sugarloaf Road and continue for about 4 miles. Watch for Red Hill Road. on the left. Make this sharp turn and Dinch or Coons Rd. will be on your right almost immediately after the turn. Continue on this road for a little over one mile. The road is not paved. It is a dead end and becomes rough enough that an SUV or a pickup might be a good idea. Watch for a short access road on the left to the small parking area.
Difficulty: This hike is rated MODERATE even though it is only 2.6 miles because there is an elevation gain of 840 feet. The trail is steep in places and on the final climb to the summit averages a 20% grade!
Trail Surface: The trail consists of areas of mostly packed dirt and stones of various sizes. The trail can be rough and eroded in places. There are tree roots to walk around and larger rocks to step over.
Hike Description: Out and Back
Start your hike by walking behind the kiosk and getting on the yellow blazed trail. After about .55 miles the slope increases slightly and increases again at .75 miles. After about 1.3 miles, you are at the summit. There isn’t much to see from clearing at the summit unless you climb the fire tower which has some nice views. After taking in the views and visiting the small observer’s cabin, reverse your route back to the parking area.